Robin understands small business in the Kootenay Columbia. She’s brought in foreign workers and understands the deeply flawed system that is stacked against small operators. She’s stood up for our rural and small community businesses in regional and national committees. She pushed hard for the new federal Ministry of Rural Economic Development and got it. And she’s had to develop creative solutions to transportation, housing, government red tape, staffing difficulties and succession planning.
COVID-19 has hit small business hard. I am so grateful for the many federal programs rapidly developed and deployed to help. Many of us would never have made it without the wage subsidies, rent subsidies and loan where we get to keep a third. The pressure the government put on the banks to allow mortgage deferral was well needed. The concept is proposed by the Liberals to become a hardship option for those with mortgages who lose their jobs or have healthcare issues. I’m so grateful the Liberal were in power to do this.
It was also the Liberal government that lowered small business taxes by almost 20 percent, down to 9 percent It is also the Liberals with the plan to increase taxes on the big guys by 20 percent - that’s all those banks and insurance companies earning a billion or more.
• The Liberals are introducing measures to reduce credit card swipe fees
• Business incentives are coming to help new entrepreneurs; same with better training and apprenticeship incentives.
• By increasing childcare affordability with $10 a day child care and improved accessibility the government will free up more people for the workforce.
• Eliminating provincial barriers important to trade across Canada are an area of focus for our government.
• Opening up new markets for our products and services and boost Canada’s Clean Technology exports by providing better supports for exporters
• Initiatives on Critical Minerals Plan prime Canada to capitalize on the rising global demand for 31 minerals that will play a large role in the transition to a low carbon economy.
• Support the growth of start-ups and scale-ups
• Help our businesses, especially small ones adopt new technologies with Canada’s Digital Adaptation Strategy
• More support for Canada’s Aerospace Sector (a sector worth more than $28 billion to our economy), bio-manufacturing and life sciences sector, another growing industry for our future
The best way to pay for all the amazing social programs is to get the Canadian economy bustling again.
Robin brings to Ottawa a plethora of small business ideas. She plans to work hard on the problems we are facing, and will employ her entrepreneurial spirit in Ottawa:
• Succession - By providing incentives for people to move into and take over those retiring businesses, we see local services stay and flourish
• Staffing solutions and finding ways for small businesses to effectively participate in the foreign worker program are a priority
• Stronger incentives for new Canadians to move rurally
• Student loan breaks for those who choose to practice rurally
• Staff housing incentives for businesses
• Transportation – Rural Canada needs solutions
• Greening rural and small community businesses
• Market diversification and value added activities for our resources, and
• A fair shake in our foreign trade agreements and negotiations
It is the Liberal government who is going after foreign owned big business who now pay GST. The Liberal government also announced tougher measures on strategic tax avoidance and a plan to go after foreign owned big business and the dollars that are leeching out of Canada. I strongly feel the extremely wealthy Canadians need to pay their fair share. Instead of going after poor single parents who have to prove their children belong to them, we should be chasing the big fish. And Robin’s not afraid to say so.
Robin’s operated small businesses in the Kootenay Columbia for over 25 years. She took her value-added forestry business from a bet she couldn’t sell “kindling” to a peak of 45 employees. Cranbrook motel ownership and a resort on Kootenay Lake helped Robin hone a deep understanding of tourism and hospitality in our region and the many challenges facing the industry. Robin also has owned numerous rental homes and consulted with many local businesses. She has also volunteered prolifically throughout the region. From the Board of EK Community Credit Union to Chamber Committees to the advisory committee for Friends of Kootenay Lake and the Save Queens Bay campaign, Robin has contributed tirelessly. Imagine what she’ll do for us in Ottawa.
Support for our local agricultural sector is essential. Robin will ensure upkeep and improvement for agricultural infrastructure like irrigation and auxiliary services like abattoirs. It’s important the federal dollars available for infrastructure initiatives are pursued and made available to our farmers and ranchers. Robin will also work hard to:
• Support farmer’s markets
• Free up industry regulation so restaurants and other food providers have access to local markets
• Put focus on succession of local agricultural businesses
• Protect our farmers with better financing options and insurance options
• Ensure rural transportation is on the agenda